Once you have completed the content in Moodle, then please return to Central Short Courses as instructed in Moodle, so that this training can be included in your personal training history.
This course is for any APM user of Campus Solutions that will be viewing, amending or updating student records.
If you are an academic user of Campus Solutions, training material can be found here: https://workspace.nottingham.ac.uk/display/TTD/Academic+Work+Centre
The first part of this course requires you to go to Moodle and self-enrol on the following course: https://moodle.nottingham.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=91283
The password to use when enrolling is CampusEssentials (this is case sensitive)
After you have completed the modules in Moodle then please return to Central Short Courses as instructed in Moodle, so that this training can be included in your personal training history.