Managing teaching recordings from Teams to Echo360
Duration 45 min
Team Learning Technology
This course will cover:
  • Where Teams recordings are stored (including the significant changes in 2022)
  • How you can download recordings
  • How you can upload Teams or other recordings to Echo360
  • How to het an account in Echo360 and connect it to a module
  • How to add an Echo360 video or videos to your Moodle module
Web Notes Teams recordings have recently changed and will no longer be stored in Stream. They will have a limited lifespan.  To ensure that students and colleagues can view the videos and retain them for the lifetime of a module, videos should be uploaded to Echo360 Engage. This course covers how to do this simply and easily. 

There will be time for questions, and anyone who has any questions about Echo360 and Moodle is welcome to drop-in.
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