Light your fire: Motivational tools for researchers (moderated online learning course)
Duration 3 days
Team Researcher Academy

This moderated online course is run by the Researcher Academy

The Researcher Academy courses are very popular and the majority are run in both semesters to give you the opportunity to attend at a time of the year that suits you. 

Target Audience: Mid and late stage postgraduate researchers and early careers research staff.


The aims of this online course are to explore:

  • Procrastination: how and why do we do it; awareness of your vices and how you can use them to increase rather than decrease motivation
  • Dealing with writer's block - writing strategies to get you started again
  • Maintaining your motivation throughout your research degree - analysing what motivates you and how you can use this to keep you going
  • Time management techniques to stay on track
  • Video tips from recently-graduated doctoral researchers and academic staff on beating procrastination, dealing with writer’s block, staying motivated and finishing on time

Please note: this is not a mental health-focused workshop and we are not trained Counsellors but will offer signposts to relevant support mechanisms at the end of the course.

Timeframe: 3 days

Day 1: webinar at 9:30am (30 minutes) - welcome, introductions, meet your fellow researchers and consider what you'd like to get out of this course. Afterwards, head to Moodle for Task 1 ('Getting started and managing procrastination') and post/discuss in the forum.

Day 2: on Moodle for 'Maintaining motivation' and post/discuss in the Task 2 forum.

Day 3: on Moodle for 'Managing your time effectively' and post/discuss in the Task 3 forum. 

Please note: to be marked as attended/passed on Short Courses, you must attend the short webinar and submit a link to your Moodle forum posts at the end of the course. Before registering for the course, please ensure that your schedule will allow you to attend the webinar and engage with the material/post comments daily on Moodle. Once registered, the course tutor will send you calendar items/Teams links.

Course Accessibility

The following table shows a summary of what is needed to participate in the course. 

If you feel you will experience any difficulties participating, please let us know via the ‘special requirements’ tab, providing as much information as possible. The special requirements tab can be completed when you book your place. Alternatively, you can contact us directly at

Access Moodle
Access the course 45 minutes each day over the 3 days
Attend the two 30 minute webinars at the start and end of the 3 days 
Take part in forum discussions on Moodle
Engage with online materials
Participate in course during a specific week
Undertake and submit an assessment (to be marked as attended)

Booking Conditions 

Our webinars/ online courses are very popular, especially in the current period and we are experiencing large volumes of people on our waiting lists.  

Please do let us know if you would like to cancel your place on this course so we can offer your place to another delegate. 

Please note, attendances for courses will be recorded. There are no training points associated with courses run by the Researcher Academy.


Accessing the course ​

This session may be recorded. If a recording is kept of the session, then please note, that it may be made available to the wider University of Nottingham researcher community.

To access the course please follow the link below and log into Moodle using your normal username and password. You must use the link below when accessing this course for the first time as it allows you to self-enrol onto the course. Make sure that you log in to the course within two days of the course start date, after this date enrolment is disabled.​

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