Job Interview Skills
Duration 1.5 hours
Team Professional Development

Who should attend

This course is available to all staff. It may be particularly relevant to those for whom a significant change of role is possible within the next year or so.

Career Transition Courses
This course is one of a range of courses designed to help staff make a transition from one role to another. It will help in making the best impression at interview, and in securing the job you want.

The other courses in the range are:
  • Career Planning – Knowing Your Destination and Finding that Next Role
  • Producing CVs and completing Job Application Forms
Topics covered in this course include:
  • Preparation – mental and physical
  • Preparation – question-spotting
  • Making a good first impression
  • Competency-based Interviews – continuing to be a STAR
  • Handling questions and asking questions
  • Tips for online interviews

This course is also offered as a slightly shorter online version.


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