Leading and communicating the strategy
Duration 2 Hours
Team Professional Development
Strategy can seem like a distant thing that doesn't always connect to our everyday activities, but if we can make that connection it can be a powerful motivator; you've probably heard the story of the cleaner at NASA who when asked what they do there responded ""I'm helping to put a man on the moon!"".

These resources will help you to find that connection to our university strategy communicate it to your team and develop a sense of connection, purpose and empowerment.

Session outcomes: By the end of this session you will be able to:
Connect the university strategy to the work you and your team do every day, to foster a sense of connection and relatedness.
Communicate a sense of purpose as a driver for intrinsic motivation and performance improvement.
Use our strategy as a tool to empower yourself and others.
LocationStart DateAll DatesTimesPlaces AvailableBook
TO BE CONFIRMED04 December 202404 December 20249:30am - 11:30am14