This online webinar (delivered via MS Teams) will explain how to utilize ORCID as a research profile tool.
This course is available to all University of Nottingham staff or students and will be especially useful for postgraduate researchers and staff directly involved in research including academic and technical staff members.
Many researchers know of ORCID iD as a unique identifier, but your ORCID page can also act as a profile tool to maximise the discoverability of your research contributions and professional online presence. This session will cover how to make the most of ORCID to manage your information and choose how to present yourself. It will address how to connect your ORCID profiles to other systems to save you time in the long term.
This session may be recorded. If a recording is kept of the session, then please note, that it may be made available to the wider University of Nottingham community.
This is an online session within Microsoft Teams. On the day of the session please use the link in this email to join the meeting. Please do not click the link in this email until the day of the session.