Outdoor First Aid
Duration 2 days
Team Safety Office

A 2-day course covering first aids skills for activities taking place in harsh and isolated environments. The certification lasts for 3 years.

Please see the course details here: REC: Outdoor First Aid (16 hr) (recfirstaid.net)

Tutor: Derek Burdett, Rescue Emergency Care. 

Please note there is a cost of £60 per person (this is 50% of the cost, the remainder will be subsidised by the H&S Department).

Please send your project code to H&S@nottingham.ac.uk in advance of the course.

The course is subject to sufficient learners signing up.
LocationStart DateAll DatesTimesPlaces AvailableBook
University Park19 May 202519, 20 May 20259:30am - 4:30pm8