Career Planning: knowing your destination and next role
Duration 2 Hours
Team Professional Development

Who should attend

This course is available to all staff. It may be particularly relevant to those for whom a significant change of role is possible within the next year or so.


Career Transition Courses

This course is one of a range of courses designed to help staff to make a transition from one role to another. It will help you to take a strategic view of your career and ensure that your direction of travel is the one that is well thought-out. The main focus of this course is getting you to think what you want and what you have to offer, and then how to find an appropriate next role.

The other courses in the range are:

  • Producing CVs and completing Job Application Forms
  • Job Interview Skills


Topics covered on this course include:

  • Determining your ultimate goal – where do you want to end up?
  • What really motivates you – what are your career hot buttons?
  • What do you already know – what knowledge do you have?
  • What can you already do – what skills do you already possess?
  • What are your constraints?
  • Searching for the right position
  • Using your network
  • Being found
  • Your social media presence



This course is also offered as a slightly shorter on-line version.


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