Working with People Whose Behaviour you don’t like or don’t understand
Duration 2.5 hours
Team Professional Development

Who should attend

This course is available to all staff. It is for you if you want some ideas as to how to understand the behaviours of other people (which may be very different to your own) and how to develop better professional relationships with all.


Course Description

During our career, almost everyone works with some people they don’t get on with or don't understand. If this applies to you, this course will help you to look at this situation afresh. It may help you to understand why they are behaving the way they are. It will also look at the options you have for dealing with this, and at ways of developing professional relationships with all.


Topics covered include:

  • What elements of behaviour do you need to understand?
  • What are the impacts of these behaviour on you?
  • How people differ – motivation, experience, culture, thinking styles etc
  • With this understanding, what are your options?
  • Building working relationships


Note – this course was previously titled Working with People whose behaviour you don’t like or understand



This course is also offered as a slightly shorter on-line version.

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