PTTHE 4: Creating inclusive and supportive learning environments
Duration1.5 Hours
Team Professional Development
This is the 4th compulsory workshop (of 6) for the Preparing to Teach in Higher Education Programme (PTTHE) and provides the opportunity to discuss and identify challenges for students across a broad range of characteristics; identify possible interventions to improve learning environments and outcomes. We consider the University’s approach to fair and inclusive learning environments, placing issues in a UK national context and considering how to build in good practice within teaching and learning.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop you should be able to:
Discuss and identify challenges to equal outcomes for students across a broad range of characteristics
Examine possible interventions to improve outcomes for students and to improve learning outcomes
Further information can be found on the Preparing to Teach Moodle site, including starting dates for each cohort (self-enrolment) or please contact