The PGR Supervision Form: A Step-by-Step Guide
Duration 30 mins
Team Researcher Academy

This online course is run by the Researcher Academy

The Researcher Academy courses are very popular and the majority are run in both semesters to give you the opportunity to attend at a time of the year that suits you. 

Target Audience: PGR


This webinar provides postgraduate researchers with a comprehensive walkthrough of the new PGR Supervision Form. Designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of supervisor-researcher interactions, this session will guide you through each section of the form, explaining its purpose and how to complete it effectively. You'll learn how to optimally keep records of your supervision meetings. Whether you're a new PGR or simply adapting to the updated form, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to use this tool to strengthen your research journey and supervisory relationship.

Join us to learn how the new form can make managing supervision records simpler and more effective.

Course Accessibility

The following table shows a summary of what is needed to participate in the course. 

If you feel you will experience any difficulties participating, please let us know via the ‘special requirements’ tab, providing as much information as possible. The special requirements tab can be completed when you book your place. Alternatively, you can contact us directly

Access MS Teams
Attend the course at a specific date and time
Use the MS Teams chat box function
Watch and listen to the course tutor(s) and/or other attendees
Follow presentation slides during the course
Take part in group activities/ discussions 

Booking Conditions

Our webinars/ online courses are very popular, especially in the current period and we are experiencing large volumes of people on our waiting lists.  

Please do let us know if you would like to cancel your place on this course so we can offer your place to another delegate. 

Please note, attendances for courses will be recorded. There are no training points associated with courses run by the Researcher Academy.


LocationStart DateAll DatesTimesPlaces AvailableBook
Online Course31 March 202531 March 202511:30am - 12:00pm0Add to Waiting List
Online Course09 April 202509 April 20251:00pm - 1:30pm0Add to Waiting List