Project Managing Your Research (face to face workshop)
Duration 3 hours
Team Researcher Academy

This course is delivered by the Researcher Academy

The Researcher Academy courses are very popular and the majority are run in both semesters to give you the opportunity to attend at a time of the year that suits you. Semester 1 courses will be available for booking from the second week of October and Semester 2 courses from the second week of February.

Target Audience:

This course is aimed at postgraduate and early career researchers who would like to learn more about the principles of project management and consider how to plan and manage their time effectively.

It provides an excellent opportunity for researchers from any discipline to spend time doing the crucial planning that facilitates the timely completion of a doctoral or research project through utilising time and resources to best effect.

The majority of attendees are early stage researchers but mid- and late stage researchers are welcome too; it’s never too late to make a plan.
Learning Objectives: 

To gain an understanding of the characteristics and usefulness of: 

  • Planning, using mind maps, OneNote, Gantt charts, MS Planner or alternative planning tools
  • Risk assessments/logs
  • Self-organisation and time management, prioritisation using the Eisenhower matrix
  • Project closure
  • Review and discuss case studies related to managing research projects

To apply understanding of planning to a research project, focusing especially on the first year milestones. Project management techniques are now widely used both within and outside the research environment and the ability to apply such techniques represents an increasingly relevant transferable skill.

Tutor: Dr Eleanor Forward - Eleanor convenes and delivers this course and is an experienced project (and programme) manager.  


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Identify mind maps, Gantt charts and the Eisenhower matrix
  • Create mind maps and plan using Gantt charts, tables or other tools
  • Differentiate between important and urgent tasks
  • Understand how to assess risk and start a risk log
  • Initiate and manage closure processes relevant to your project
  • Have a sense of which tools you want/need to use to manage your current project
  • Feel more confident in problem solving when challenges arise with a research project

Related Courses:

There is an online equivalent of this course, Project managing your research (moderated online learning course) which, although not identical, covers the same themes.

Another useful early stage course is Understanding Your Research Degree (standalone Moodle course - can be accessed anytime). This one covers the features of successful supervision, how to plan a timetable for your research in discussion with your supervisor and how to avoid wasting time. The course also includes videos from researchers who have completed a PhD providing accounts of their experiences and useful tips.

Research Integrity is a standalone online course designed to strengthen your awareness of your own responsibilities and accountability when planning and conducting research and provides guidance on what to do should things go wrong. 


The following table shows a summary of what is needed to participate in the course. 

If you feel you will experience any difficulties participating, please let us know via the ‘special requirements’ tab, providing as much information as possible. The special requirements tab can be completed when you book your place. Alternatively, you can contact us directly at

Print off pre-requisite paperwork/ resources & bring them to the course (optional)
Bring your own laptop/ PC to the course (optional)
Access seminar room on campus
Attend the course at the specified date and time
Watch and listen to the course tutor(s) and/or other attendees
Follow presentation slides during the course
Take part in group activities/ discussions

Booking Conditions

Privacy Statement 

The Researcher Academy is committed to protecting the privacy of researchers who register for our training courses and events. Your completion of the booking process shall constitute your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data to University staff and external partners responsible for the delivery of the course or event for which you have registered.  Personal information shared includes; name, role/position, mode of study, School/Department, dietary and accessibility requirements. 

Latecomer policy 

Researchers should plan to arrive prior to the advertised course start time. Except for exceptional reasons, there will be no admittance to a researcher academy or Faculty Training Programme (FTP) course 15 minutes after the advertised course start time. 

Importance of booking commitment 

When booking on to a Researcher Academy short course you are entering into a commitment to attend. If you find that you are no longer available to attend you MUST cancel your place (on the system if more than three days before the course) or if at short notice by emailing

This will ensure that your place can be offered to another researcher on the waiting list. Failure to cancel a place results in other researchers missing out on places through the waiting list process

It is unacceptable for researchers to just not attend when booked onto a course. The Researcher Academy maintains records of those who repeatedly do not attend courses they have booked. This may affect future eligibility to book onto further Researcher Academy courses and will affect considerations for Researcher Academy funded opportunities.

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