Presenting Together
Duration 2 hours
Team Researcher Academy

This face to face course is run by the Researcher Academy

The Researcher Academy courses are very popular and the majority are run in both semesters to give you the opportunity to attend at a time of the year that suits you. 

Target Audience: PGR's/ECR's


This small group session (of up to 8 peers) is designed to provide you with the opportunity to practice presenting and gives you space to hone your skills. After all, the more you practice, the better you get, and feel about presenting! 

You will have the opportunity to share a presentation, of up to 10 minutes, with individuals from diverse disciplines. This space is the perfect platform for you to practice delivering a presentation you're preparing to give elsewhere (whether at a conference, as a form of outreach and/or public engagement, or within a departmental/faculty seminar etc.) and also serves as a brilliant opportunity to help you manage those presentation nerves. Fellow attendees will give you feedback on your delivery, style and the relatability of your content. This collaborative feedback loop serves as a valuable tool for improvement, offering insights, hints, and tips to help you refine your performance.

Process: Small group presentations with feedback and discussion

Course Accessibility

The following table shows a summary of what is needed to participate in the course. 

If you feel you will experience any difficulties participating, please let us know via the ‘special requirements’ tab, providing as much information as possible. The special requirements tab can be completed when you book your place. Alternatively, you can contact us directly at

Access and/or complete self-study/ pre-course tasks prior to main session 
Access seminar room on campus (or) access computer room on campus
Attend the course at the specified date and time
Watch and listen to the course tutor(s) and/or other attendees
Follow presentation slides during the course 
Take part in group activities/ discussions

Deliver presentation to other course participants 

Booking Conditions

Latecomer policy

Researchers should plan to arrive prior to the advertised course start time. Except for exceptional reasons, there will be no admittance to a Researcher Academy or Faculty Training Programme (FTP) course 15 minutes after the advertised course start time.

Importance of booking commitment

When booking on to a Researcher Academy short course you are entering into a commitment to attend. If you find that you are no longer available to attend you MUST cancel your place (on the system if more than three days before the course) or if at short notice by emailing This will ensure that your place can be offered to another researcher on the waiting list. Failure to cancel a place results in other researchers missing out on places through the waiting list process.

It is unacceptable for researchers to just not attend when booked onto a course. The Researcher Academy maintains records of those who repeatedly do not attend courses they have booked. This may affect future eligibility to book onto further Researcher Academy courses and will affect considerations for Researcher Academy funded opportunities.





Please bring along a presentation of up to 10 minutes in length.

LocationStart DateAll DatesTimesPlaces AvailableBook