Reviewing the Quality Manual for Research Degrees: Open consultation for supervisors (Supervisor Seminar Series)
Duration Online
Team Researcher Academy

Tuesday 6th May, 13:00-14:00 (online) 

Presenter: Sam Marshall, Associate Director (Postgraduate Research), Registry & Academic Affairs 

The research degree sections of the Quality Manual are scheduled for review by Quality and Standards Committee in 2025. This session will give supervisors the opportunity to influence change and highlight areas of research degree regulatory practice that they would like to see reviewed. We will also invite colleagues to share best practice from their own experiences of working with PGRs. 

This session is part of the Supervisor Seminar Series, providing supervisors with the opportunity to discuss experiences and processes and reflect on supervisory practice. 


Who is it for? All colleagues engaged in formal and informal doctoral supervision. In addition to members of formal supervisory teams, assistant, co- and informal supervisors including postdoctoral and research staff, technicians and professional services.  


This session is part of the RSVP project, which aims to transform the culture and practice of research supervision across the UK. RSVP is a £4.6M Research England project, involving over 50 research organisations from the UK and beyond. The project has the backing of most major UK research funders and was extensively referenced in UKRI's recent New deal for postgraduate research. By participating in this session and providing feedback, your views can influence our national programme of supervisor development. 

Professor Richard Graham 
Nottingham Lead Co-I 
RSVP project 

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Online Course40
Online Course40