Excel 2016: 2. Intermediate (Online Course)
Duration 1h 45m worth of content
Team PD eLearning
Excel 2016: Intermediate (Online Course)

Basically, once you’ve got your head around the main bits of Excel, the cells and the data entry and that, you’re at intermediate.  It’s a good level to be at. But could you be better? Find out... 

Excel’s a really useful tool for almost every profession. Chances are, most of us could use Excel more effectively, simply because it’s such a diverse platform, and it can be tricky to understand everything fully through self-teaching.

This course will help you dig a little deeper into the Excel mineshaft and unearth some hidden gems.

Key insights

• Viewing and commenting on data
• Styles and Formatting
• Formulae and Functions
• Sorting and Filtering
• Charts, Functions and Links

Who is it for?

• Anyone familiar with Excel software, but maybe haven’t used 2016 before
• Anyone who’d like to improve their Excel skills generally
• Anyone who uses Excel 2016 for work

Course format - There's about 1 hour 45 minutes worth of content.

We know you want to learn all about Excel 2016, but we also know that your time is precious.
That’s the exact reason we’ve created them in small chunks, to enable you to dip in and out when it suits you.
You can spend as little as 3 minutes to learn something new, or refresh your memory if you’ve simply forgotten
Or if you’ve a little more time available you could start to crack through one of the courses on your journey to
becoming an Excel Wizard and supercharging your effciency and career. 
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