Business Report Writing (Online Course)
Duration 15 minutes worth of content
Team PD eLearning
Business Report Writing (Online Course)

A business report needn’t be pages and pages of dry, boring facts and figures. Even if your report does need those things, there’s no reason you can’t present them in an engaging, accessible way. If your job requires you to prepare business reports of one type or another, you need to develop your report-writing superpowers.

Learn how with this  course, packed full of business report writing tips that will make your reports stand out and allow you to develop a strong reputation for intellect and professionalism in your workplace.

Topics include:
  • Preparing your reports
  • Organising your information
  • Graphics and how to use them
  • Writing your reports
  • Editing and correcting
  • Reading your reports out aloud

Duration:  There's approximately 15 minutes worth of content.

There is no assessment associated with this course.
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Online Course9972