Researcher Development Planning - Using the RDF
Duration 0.5 days
Team Researcher Academy

Target Audience:

Postgraduate Researchers and Staff

Practical Workshop

Course Description:
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) describes the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful international researchers (or what a successful researcher might look like). These knowledge, behaviours and attributes are split across four domains, filled out by 12 subdomains and broken down into 63 descriptors. The RDF was developed in the UK by Vitae and is currently being rolled out globally.
To support this framework, Vitae have developed an online tool that allows individual researchers to populate their own RDF – showing what skills they have, and also identifying goals for areas they need/would like to develop.

During this session Researcher Academy will introduce you to the Researcher Development Framework and the accompanying Researcher Development planning tool.  The tool is available to researchers free of charge whilst studying or working at The University of Nottingham.

Researchers attending this session will be offered the opportunity to sign up for a free RDF planner account after the briefing session.

Visit our website to find out more about the RDF and to sign up for a free RDF planner account.

• To familiarise postgraduate research students with the Researcher Development Framework.
• To help postgraduate research students reflect on their own skills and how to utilise the RDF and RDF planner to monitor and plan their own personal, professional and career develop needs.

Booking Guidelines

2 stage release of courses
Instances of this course will be released in two phases: on 12th October 2015 for courses commencing prior to the end of February 2016 and on 1st February 2016 for courses commencing 1st March onwards. This is to ensure a fairer booking opportunity for all researchers.

Latecomer policy
Researchers should plan to arrive prior to the advertised course start time. Except for exceptional reasons, there will be no admittance to a Researcher Academy or Faculty Training Programme (FTP) course 15 minutes after the advertised course start time.

Importance of booking commitment
When booking on to a Researcher Academy short course you are entering into a commitment to attend. If you find that you are no longer available to attend you MUST cancel your place (on the system if more than three days before the course or if at short notice by emailing This will ensure that your place can be offered to another researcher on the waiting list. Failure to cancel a place results in other researchers missing out on places through the waiting list process.

It is unacceptable for researchers to just not attend when booked onto a course. Researcher Academy maintains records of those who repeatedly do not attend courses they have booked. This may affect future eligibility to book onto further Researcher Academy courses and will affect considerations for Researcher Academy funded opportunities.

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